Monday, September 12, 2011

My bags are packed...

.... I'm ready to go...

Thanks for that, John Denver. Now I'm worried about leaving on a jetplane.

I am the luckiest girl in the world when it comes to having amazing and caring people in my life. Josh came  to my house on Thursday and ended up staying until Saturday helping me to clean and organize (I would say my room, but in reality it was my entire life.) Every paper I've had lying around is now either thrown away or safely organized by type and date. Every bit of clothing is now in storage, given to charity, or packed in my suitcase. My bedroom is packed and ready for a big move, whenever that may be, with all boxes labeled. Mission complete!

Advice on how to pack your life away:
1. Get a best friend like mine.
2. Buy lots of rubber-maid containers in different colors and giant zip-lock bags.
3. Get those handy plastic file folder things for papers.
4. Lots of labels and a marker.
5. Clothes- do you need it? when was the last time your wore it?
6. Shoes- do they fit? are they old? will you ever wear them again?
7. Have music playing to sing along to (optional).
8. Have your suitcase available to remind you how much will fit inside.
9. Roll your clothes up tight or get those vacuum bags.
10. Just keep going until your done.

Okay, I'm off. The next blog post will be from London most likely.


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